About Us
Precision Orthotics Pedorthic Clinic is a full service practice employing a Pedorthist who is specifically trained in the assessment, design, manufacture, and fit of custom made orthotics and orthopaedic footwear.
Pedorthists are the only practitioners trained in all of the above mentioned areas of expertise; more specifically the only practitioners that have the capability and credentials to fabricate their own orthotics. From initial assessment to final pick-up of the end product, your orthotics will not leave the clinic; manufacture of your orthotics will take place in our fully operational on-site lab. On occasion, it may be the case that your orthotics will require an adjustment.

With our on-site lab, we are able to address your concerns at your scheduled appointment; there is no need to ship your orthotics to an off-site laboratory and wait weeks for their return. Adjustments will take place during your appointment and you will leave with your orthotics once your appointment is complete. At Precision Orthotics our primary focus is “orthotics,” and for that reason our extensive skills and experience related to design, manufacture and fit continue to lend to precision and accuracy in the quality of products dispensed from our clinic.