Biomechanical Assessment / Gait Analysis
At Precision Orthotics Pedorthic Clinic your initial evaluation is approximately forty-five minutes in duration and consists of a complete biomechanical assessment of the lower limb, as well as a gait analysis. A biomechanical assessment is a series of range of motion and muscles strength tests, along with joint position and flexibility evaluation. All major joints of the foot are assessed. The range of motion of the joints of the foot must meet certain minimums in order for you to walk “normally;” when minimum ranges of motion are not met, the abnormality becomes a contributing factor in pain.
A gait analysis is then performed which allows our Pedorthist to determine if there are any biomechanical abnormalities occurring during walking. Biomechanical abnormalities are unwanted motions that occur during the gait cycle. These abnormalities can result in pain, in which case, Pedorthic intervention is required. Pedorthic intervention consists of custom made orthotics, and/or custom fit orthopaedic footwear, and/or footwear modifications. If orthotics are decided upon our Pedorthist will take a three-dimensional cast of the foot, from which your orthotic will be manufactured.