Precision Orthotics Clinic Logo
Did You Know, the average person will

Walk around the earth 4 times in their life?

That’s a lot of time spent on your feet. Precision Orthotics Pedorthic Clinic is committed to ensuring your feet are properly supported along the way.

Our Pedorthist has developed a wide range of both professional and practical skills to best suit your individual needs.

At Precision Orthotics we pride ourselves on the fact that we take extreme care and consideration in developing effective and appropriate treatments plans; never cutting corners or looking for the quick solution.

About Us
How We

Often your primary concern has underlying contributing factors. Our bodies are composed of a large network of fascial chains. If one component…

The final step in the process of obtaining orthotics is to properly fit the insoles to your current footwear. We ask that you bring with you to your…

Upon completion of your initial evaluation, our Pedorthist will explain to you the contributing factors to your primary concerns from the information…

At Precision Orthotics Pedorthic Clinic your initial evaluation is approximately forty-five minutes in duration and consists of a complete…

In order to obtain a truly “custom made” orthotic, a three-dimensional cast of your foot must be taken. Precision Orthotics Pedorthic Clinic utilizes...

Precision Orthotics Pedorthic Clinic carries a wide variety of orthotic friendly footwear, running shoes, sandals, casual dress, hiking shoes/boots...

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